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Hosta Great Expectations will form a medium mound of 18"-20" in height, with a spread of up to 40", at maturity. What can we say that hasn't been said about one of the most beautiful Hostas available today This sport of Hosta sieboldiana Elegans is a medium (to large) Hosta but is a little slow getting there. It has a fabulous cream centre (emerging gold in early spring) surrounded by a dramatic wide blue green edge... sure to brighten any garden. Hosta Great Expectations needs morning sun or very open shade to grow properly. Extremely wide, irregular margins of blue-green enveloping a yellow-cream centre. A real prize when mature, requires good light ; This is a slow developer, but well worth the wait. The clump is topped with near white flowers on scapes of 30" in early summer... once you see it you gotta have it! Sun tolerant and slug resistant when kept healthy.

Hosta Great Expectations

  • All our Online Hosta Sales are dispatched to customers with our Hosta Care Guide leaflet enclosed in the parcel. You can also find further details of how to look after your new plants on the Hosta Care Tab on our home page. 

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