Hosta Blueberry Muffin will develop into a medium-sized mound reaching a height of 30cm-40cm with a spread of up to 90cm at maturity. It features an attractive formation of thick, rounded blue leaves that exhibit unique puckering patterns. As the season progresses, the foliage gradually transitions to green. The petioles are speckled with mauve, creating a pleasing contrast with the blue leaves. Hosta Blueberry Muffin is noted for its vigorous growth and consistent performance in landscaping applications. Blue flower scapes hold lavender blooms at 60cm tall. This variety prefers light shade and is resistant to slugs..
Hosta Blueberry Muffin
All our Hosta Sales are dispatched to customers with our Hosta Care Guide leaflet enclosed in the parcel. You can also find further details of how to look after your new plants on the Hosta Care Tab on our home page.