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Hosta Earthquake will form a slightly domed, mound of 28"- 32" in height, with a spread of up to 66" at maturity. Very large mound of shiny dark green foliage with tightly rippled margins. The large green leaves have deeply impressed veins which helps show off the shine. Heart-shaped leaves with a cordate base that looks like a funnel going down to the petiole. The underneath of the leaf may get some glaucous coating. Given that the pod parent is Hosta Tokudama it would make sense that this one starts off blue-green in spring. Lavender flowers  held on scapes of up to 56", in early summer. It is unlikely to be slug resistant or sun tolerant.

Hosta Earthquake

  • All our  Hosta Sales are dispatched to customers with our Hosta Care Guide leaflet enclosed in the parcel. You can also find further details of how to look after your new plants on the Hosta Care Tab on our home page.