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Hosta Skywriter will form a beautifully architectural, medium sized mound of 14"-16" in height, with a spread of up to 32". It has rippled leaves which are white on the backsides. Firm, steel-blue leaves with a wavy margin on purple petioles. The leaves seem to wiggle in all directions and form a beautiful clump that will find a home in any home garden. A really fantastic plant with all the good characteristics. You really need this Hosta in your garden! Hosta Skywriter is an absolutely great blue hosta. Elegant and perfect, that's my description! Slug resistant and sun tolerant. Lavender flowers on 30" purple scapes in late summer. AHGA Hosta of the Year 2025.

Hosta Skywriter

  • All our  Hosta Sales are dispatched to customers with our Hosta Care Guide leaflet enclosed in the parcel. You can also find further details of how to look after your new plants on the Hosta Care Tab on our home page.