Welcome to the end of the year for 2024.
There has been so much to talk about and discuss that we decided to start a blog at the beginning of the year.
It has not only passed valuable information on to our readers but has been a valuable tool in improving my knowledge, having to research into each subject. I have been surprised at the positive response, and absolutely delighted at the thousands that are benefitting from reading the blogs. So much so that I shall continue in 2025. It seems that there are a lot more Hosta lovers than you might expect.
2024 has been a varied and interesting year, to say the least. So much wet and windy weather, hailstones, and a very dry, kind of milder than usual November. Now we are into winter weather with frost and snow in some areas, It would be nice to recap some of what we blogged about during the year.
I started by blowing our own trumpet, of course, and letting you know all about Rewela Hostas, who we are & what we did, followed by winter care of your precious Hostas.
Preparation for the viewing season making it possible for visitors to our wonderful garden and nursery with information that hundreds of gardeners and Hosta lovers took to heart and paid us a visit.
We always try and make the blogs interesting, and as topical as we can.
We had several hailstorms in early May, so we felt we needed to help where we could.
Of course a very popular blog was that about slugs & snails.
We will revisit that one again in 2025. It was the most viewed blog of 2024.
We highlighted one or two chosen varieties, including the Hosta of the year in 2024 Hosta Mini Skirt & the 2025 Hosta Skywriter, and will do more next year.
Using gardening with Hostas to relieve stress also went down well.
We responded to the problems of growing Hostas and the common mistakes made, together with working smarter in the garden, not harder.
Many of you, I think, are Hosta addicts. So, how do we become addicted to Hostas? Showing the different stages of addiction.
There was a blog on designing your garden especially with Hostas in mind. If you only took one idea to use, then job done.
There was a sudden rise in AI produced photographs being used on the internet. We felt we need to put this one to bed very quickly.
There were several blogs on Hosta care with subjects like Fragrant Hostas, seed, dry shade, companion planting, containers, blue Hostas and light levels. Each one designed to help you find out more.
Getting free plants using Hosta division, how, when, where, even why.
With so much passion for Hostas there will always be plenty of topics to feature in future blogs. But if there is something you would like to see featured in my next blogs please let me know? I hope you have had a wonderful Hosta year and like me you are looking forward to the new Hosta season ahead.
If you want to overdose on Hosta Knowledge & discover all our past Hosta blogs click here
John Plant
Rewela Hostas