Hosta Beyond Glory is a medium to large Hosta that reaches a height of 40cm-50cm with a spread of up to 100cm at maturity. This Hosta has large, mid-green leaves with very wide, dark green margins that are twice as wide and darker than its parent, Hosta Old Glory. The leaves are slightly wavy and somewhat corrugated, adding texture to its appearance creating an appealing contrast. It is an excellent addition to borders and garden beds due to its bright coloration and suitability for mass planting or use as a container specimen. Pale lavender flowers appear from July to August on scapes reaching up to 80cm in height. A small amount of morning sun enhances the leaf colours, and this variety exhibits good resistance to slugs. Hosta Beyond Glory is a valuable addition to any garden, a beautiful Hosta and should prove to be very garden worthy.
Hosta Beyond Glory
All our Hosta Sales are dispatched to customers with our Hosta Care Guide leaflet enclosed in the parcel. You can also find further details of how to look after your new plants on the Hosta Care Tab on our home page.