Hosta Age of Gold is a large variety that reaches 62-65 cm in height with an approximate spread of 200cm at maturity. The plant features broadly ovate, golden yellow leaves that are flat at the margins and slightly shiny on top. This Hosta is ideal for creating a striking visual impact in shaded areas due to its upright, spreading habit and large, smooth foliage, resembling sunlight shining through a woodland garden. The near-white, tubular flowers bloom from July into August on scapes that can reach up to 125 cm tall and display a faint pale lavender central pattern on their interior petals. These blooms are followed by viable seeds contained within attractive golden pods. For optimal yellow colouration, it is recommended to plant Hosta Age of Gold in morning sun or filtered shade. Additionally, this variety exhibits resistance to slugs until later in the growing season.
Hosta Age of Gold
All our Hosta Sales are dispatched to customers with our Hosta Care Guide leaflet enclosed in the parcel. You can also find further details of how to look after your new plants on the Hosta Care Tab on our home page.